Finally, someone I can trust to help me get my affairs in order for the day I die, and even better, who will assist my family with the complicated and life-draining admin associated with my death.
Because we’ve been there, we whole-heartedly understand that it is already so hard dealing with the death of a loved-one that it is almost unthinkable to also have to deal with the burden of the deceased’s unplanned estate. And for this reason, we help you plan ahead to ensure that your affairs are in order and guide you in compiling an easy to understand, easy to find, DEATHFILE, as it is one of the greatest final gifts you can give to your loved ones.
Dealing with the passing of a loved one is indescribably tough. But grieving while having to search for missing paper work, insurance policies and other end-of-life details is 10 time worse. Getting your affairs in order long before they need to be will provide peace of mind and protect your family, failing to do so, will not only drain your loved ones emotionally but can delay access to funds and cause potentially high legal fees.
The main purpose of a DEATHFILE is to ensure that your wishes are honored at the end of your life and your loved ones have the info they need to painlessly take care of your affairs when you die. We know that creating a DeathFile is an easy task to put off, but you don’t have to do it all at once! Just take the first step, and start today!